Product Details
Православные иконы XVI--начала XX века в Музее истории Православия на земле Кузнецкой : каталог выставки = Orthodox icons from the 16th to the early 20th century in the Museum of History of Orthodoxy, Kuznetsk region : an exhibition catalogue Print Books Price: Inquire  Availability: Inquire 

Pravoslavnye ikony XVI--nachala XX veka v Muzee istorii Pravoslaviia na zemle Kuznetskoi : katalog vystavki = Orthodox icons from the 16th to the early 20th century in the Museum of History of Orthodoxy, Kuznetsk region : an exhibition catalogue   

Православные иконы XVI--начала XX века в Музее истории Православия на земле Кузнецкой : каталог выставки = Orthodox icons from the 16th to the early 20th century in the Museum of History of Orthodoxy, Kuznetsk region : an exhibition catalogue