Product Details
Izvestiia RAN. Teoriia i sistemy upravleniia Bulletin of the Russian Academy of Sciences. Control Theory and Systems
Известия РАН. Теория и системы управления-
Product Details
- Product #
- Current Status
- Active
- City
- Moskva
- Country
- Russia
- Language
- Russian
- Frequency
- 6
- Type
- Journal
- 0002-3388
- Start Year
- 1963
- Publisher
- Subject
- Industry (Manufacturing) and Technology
Product Details in Original Language
- Publisher
- Bulletin of the Russian Academy of Sciences. Control Theory and Systems The current research being done at the State Research Institute of Aviation systems and at the Management process in mashine building and mechanics of the Russian Academy of Sciences.
- Актуальные исследования, выполняемые в Государственном Научно-исследовательском институте авиационных систем совместно с Российской академией наук.
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